Monday May 21, 2018 |
8:30 am – 2 pm
TRELIS Workshop underway
5:00 – 9:00 pm
UCGIS Board of Directors, Officers & Committee Chairs: Dinner and Board Meeting
Evening |
Symposium & AutoCarto Attendees: Dinners on your own
Tuesday May 22, 2018 |
7:30 am
Registration Desk Open
8:30 am
Opening Session with Program Committee
- Welcome greetings and introductions
- Overview of the conference theme: Frontiers in Geospatial Data Science
9:00 am
Panel: Data Science in Higher Education
- David DiBiase, Esri
- Michael Goodchild, UC Santa Barbara (retired)
- Jane Read, Syracuse University
- Anthony Robinson, Penn State University
10:15 am
Break |
10:45 am
Group Discussions: Key Themes & White Paper Comments
12:00 pm
Working Lunch
- Andrew Kelly, Taylor & Francis
- Nick Chrisman, Editor in Chief, the CaGIS Journal
- Introduction of candidates for UCGIS Elections
1:30 pm
Session #1: Waldo Tobler Memorial Session of papers, Part 1
2:30 pm
3:00 pm |
Session #2: Waldo Tobler Memorial Session of papers, Part 2
4:00 pm |
Daily Wrap Up and & Final Thoughts by the Program Committee
4:15 pm |
Free Time
5:30 - 8:00 pm
Reception and Poster Presentations
- Introduction of new UCGIS Fellow
- Voting on Student Posters for Awards
Wednesday May 23, 2018 |
7:30 am
Registration Desk Open
7:30 am
CaGIS Editorial Board Meeting & Breakfast
8:45 am
Morning Greetings & Review of Action Items & Opportunities
9:00 am
Session #3: Deep Learning
10:00 am
10:20 am |
Keynote Presentation: Indy Hurt
11:15 am |
TRELIS Session
12:00 pm
Working Lunch:
- UCGIS Council Meeting
- Elections for UCGIS President-Elect and Board Directors
1:45 pm
Session #4: Lightning Talks
2:45 pm |
3:15 pm |
Paper Session #5: Transportation and Movement
4:15 pm |
Award Presentations:
- Jochen Albrecht, 2018 UCGIS Education Award
- Helen Couclelis, 2018 UCGIS Research Award
- Keith Clarke, 2018 UCGIS Carolyn Merry Mentoring Award
5:00 pm |
Free Time, and Dinner on Your Own
5:00 pm - on
Optional Field Trips:
- Exploring the UW-Madison Campus
Thursday May 24, 2018 |
7:30 am
Registration Desk Open
8:30 am
Morning Greetings & Review of Action Items & Opportunities
8:45 am
Session #6: Integration of Big Disparate Data
9:30 am
Presentation: Dan Sui, Division Director, National Science Foundation (pdf)
10:00 am
10:30 am
Session #7: Visualization
12:00 pm
Working Lunch
- Announcements of Awards for Student Posters
- Comments by CaGIS President Dan Cole (Smithsonian Institution) and incoming UCGIS President Alberto Giordano (Texas State University)
2:00 pm
Conference ends |
2:30 pm |
Optional: Working Sessions
- Collaborative Proposal Development Discussions
- Data Science White Papers
5:00 - 7:00 pm |
Optional: Informal No-Host Gathering at Local Venue