UCGIS is pleased to announce its 2019 Symposium, The Geospatial Humanities: Transdisciplinary Opportunities for the GIScience Community. The geospatial humanities are multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary by definition, and with this Symposium we take a step towards a transdisciplinary model of research collaboration, where transdisciplinarity is defined as the integration of multiple disciplines from the natural and social sciences that transcends their traditional boundaries (revised from Choi and Pak, 2006).
We welcome the participation of researchers from both the spatial humanities and the geohumanities, recognizing that methods of the former tend to be quantitative and spatial while the latter are qualitative and place-based. A selection of the papers presented will be considered for a special Symposium issue of the International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing.
The common ground at our Symposium will be an interest in mapping and the geospatial technologies, GIScience, and the geographic perspective. A multi-methods approach, collaborative research across fields, and the integration of disciplinary perspectives are among the key elements of the digital and geospatial humanities research paradigm. The GIScience community has much to offer to the geospatial humanities’ community as well as its broader digital humanities networks, including cutting edge research on big data applications, computer science approaches applied to geographical data, the integration of geographic data with social network analysis, and other analytical techniques from the human and physical world. Long traditions of data exploration and visualization contribute to diverse and innovative lines of inquiry across these fields.
The Symposium will include research presentations, lightning talks, and a poster session, as well as discussion opportunities aimed at building collaboration and paths for knowledge exchange. UCGIS invites geographers, humanists, GIScientists, data scientists and others active in the geospatial humanities to join us at our event.
An exciting component of this year's event will be the Town Hall gathering on Day 3 (Thursday June 13), during which time we will host key discussions about the potentially-exciting future of UCGIS. Join us to start the conversation as we outline the core goals and activities of our next strategic plan, the drafting of which will be a major activity in the upcoming year. We encourage all Symposium attendees to participate – researchers, students, and faculty from all kinds of education and research institutions and affiliated organizations. We need everyone’s voices in the conversation so that we can think outside the box and formulate a sparkling new future. We are now eager to collectively envision the impact we can have over the next quarter century. UCGIS 2.0, here we come!
2019 Symposium Program Committee:
- Alberto Giordano, Texas State University
- Karen Kemp, University of Southern California
- Steve Moore, University of Redlands
- Paulo Raposo, University of Tennessee
- Shih-Lung Shaw, University of Tennessee
Choi, B.C.K. and Pak, A. W. P. (2006). Multidisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity in health research, services, education and policy: 1. Definitions, objectives, and evidence of effectiveness. Clin Invest Med. 29(6):351-64.