Symposium 2020 > Poster Gallery



Advances in Applied Spatial Optimization: Modeling and Optimizing Wildfire Detection

Dr. Andries Heyns, Laboratory for Location Science, Department of Geography, University of Alabama


Spatial Optimization from a Student Perspective: Modeling Optimal Interdiction Strategies for an NSF Funded Research Effort

Ashleigh Price, Laboratory for Location Science, Department of Geography, University of Alabama


Geospatial Analyses to Determine Academic Success Factors in California's K-12 Education

Brianna Chewa, Asish Satpathyb, and Elaine Wongc

aPaul Merage School of Business, University of California, Irvine; bW.P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University; cSchool of Busineses, University of California, Riverside


Using Regionalization to Create HIPAA Compliant Aggregated Units

Brittany Krzyzanowski, Department of Geography, Environment & Society, University of Minnesota


Improving Geospatial Semantic Web Query using Optimization Techniques

Chuanrong Zhanga, Tian Zhaob, and Weidong Lia

aDepartment of Geography & Center for Environmental Sciences and Engineering, University of Connecticut; bDepartment of Computer Science, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee



Pedestrian Environmental Quality Index (PEQI) in Downtown Watsonville, California

Hazel Choi, Diego Romero, Manny Uche, and Weichi Chu

Urban and Regional Planning, San José State University


**Recipient, UCGIS Student Scholarship Award**

Assessing Disaster Resilience from Social Media and Nighttime Light

Jinwen Xu and Yi Qiang, Department of Geography and Environment, University of Hawai'i at Manoa


The State of Spatial Optimization in GIS: Review, Assessment, and Projections

Kevin Curtin, Laboratory for Location Science, Department of Geography, University of Alabama


Landscape-level Evaluation of Cumulative Impacts of BLM Resource Management Programs

Liling Lee, Spatial Sciences Institute, University of Southern California


Effects of Climate and Human Drivers on Surface Water Change

Mollie Gainesa and Mirela Tulburea,b

Mollie's LinkedIn

aCenter for Geospatial Analytics, North Carolina State University and bDepartment of Forestry and Environmental Resources, North Carolina State University


**Recipient, UCGIS Student Scholarship Award**

Male or Female? Evaluating the Representativeness of Twitter

Ruowei Liua, Xiaobai (Angela) Yaoa, and Chenxiao (Atlas) Guob

aDepartment of Geography, University of Georgia and bDepartment of Geography, University of Wisconsin-Madison


**Recipient, UCGIS Student Scholarship Award**

Spatial Analysis of Technical Efficiency in Small-Scale Potato Farming: Empirical Evidence from Huehuetenango and Quetzaltenango

Rupananda Widanagea, Catherine Chana, Yin-Phan Tsanga, Brent Sipesb, Haddish Melakeherhanc, Amilcar Sanchezd, and Alfredo Mejiad

aDepartment of Natural Resources & Environmental Management, University of Hawai'i at Manoa;

bDepartment of Plants & Environmental Protection Science, University of Hawai`i at Manoa

cDepartment of Horticulture, Michigan State University

dUniversidad de San Carlos, Guatemala


Urban Social Vulnerability Assessment under COVID-19 and Natural Disasters

Sanni Saaria,f, Ryan Wangb, John Cairnsc, Claire Wanga,f, Allen Lid,f, Edward Yange,f, and Alexander Brodyg

aTexas A&M Consolidated High School, bUniversity Laboratory High School - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), cAllen Academy, dCollege Station Middle School, ePecan Trail Intermediate School, fTexas A&M Chinese School, gEmery Weiner School


 Simultaneous Changepoint Detection in Temperature Data

Steven Moen and Yuhan LiuDepartment of Statistics and the Center for Spatial Data Science, University of Chicago


Exploring Exurbia in Los Angeles County

Thalia Tom, Spatial Sciences Institute, University of Southern California


 **Recipient, UCGIS Student Scholarship Award**

Rethinking Prism Anchors: Investigating Space-Time Fixity of Individuals' Daily Activities

Yaxuan Zhanga, Ying Song, and Yingling Fan

aDepartment of Geography, Environment & Society, University of Minnesota


 **Recipient, UCGIS Student Scholarship Award**

Developing Methods to Create Orthomosaic Image from Historical Aerial Imagery

Yoko Uyehara, Department of Geography and Environment, University of Hawai'i at Manoa